Hey girls
Ive just been at home today so I thought that i might as well do a blog post! Im not feeling particulary well, which is a shame because the sun is finnally out, and Ive got sooooo much work to do and i have to clean the house before the camara crew come ... oh yeah i forgot to tell you! On April 15th I will be in and advert for the wii fit - hense the reason i have to clean the house. Ive been so wrapped up trying to tidy and do drafts of my upcoming posts (Storage one of them - which is almost done!!) that i forgot about yesturdays post so sorry about that but todays blog is going to be my ultimate relaxation post, if you followed my last blog then you would of seen a lot of these! Lets get started...
Thought you'd enjoy that picture!! |
First of all claim your sofa as your own!!! This is the most important thing to do when trying to relax - maybe even lock your bedroom door and sit up there but the most important thing is to be on your own (or with a good friend).
Next get three - yes three - blankets.
- For covering to sofa where you sit/lay so its soft and cosy.
- For covering your legs because when they get cold it annoying to try to move it around PLUS if you only have one blanket it gets hard to cover both your arms and your legs.
- For the top half of you body - optianal but i think its better that way!
Next get your cuddly! If you have and old bear or even a new one grab it shove it under your arm! Its surprising how much you hug it! My teddy is a monkey - if that possible - ive been hugging him all day long with out realising, hes my comfort!
HEY!!! Hands of MY monkey!!! |
Next pjs!!!
You have to where your pjs when your relaxing its the rules! A nice soft pair - not to thick but to to thin - of pajamas will really help ou unwind!
Now get a stall or a mini table or somthing and grag it towards the table. On the top
place things like ...
Sweets or cakes! |
Biscuits!!! |
Hot chocolate! |
Magazines! |
books! |
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